Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sleeping through the night, at last!

Tao has been sleeping through the night since last week. I have also stopped breastfeeding her before sleep for last two days.

The first day to wean her was not planned at all. We were having dinner at a small town near hubby's hometown and the journey took almost an hour. After feeding her formula milk, we left her at her car seat and she slept until we reached home and did not wake up until the next morning.

Yesterday I brought her to our room to sleep and she tried to ask for 'nen nen'. I told her 'no more' and gestured with my hand, which she understood and she lied down to sleep without creating fuss. I was glad!

I just hope that she will continue to sleep through the night and I can start planning for holidays (getaways). Ha! Ha! Ha!

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