First, I went to a investment talk for Public Bank customer regarding market outlook, introduction to a new unit trust fund and financial planning. I got to know some friendly bank staffs and had a very nice banquet lunch at the hotel. It was nice having time for myself and I could have undisturbed lunch without having to feed my kids at the same time.

An informative talk at the hotel
After lunch, I called up my hubby and he said the girls were sleeping and I could stay longer at JB if I wanted. Yippee! So I went to a nearby shopping centre and spent my time at a popular bookstore and bought some better quality English materials to teach Tian.

The 'High Frequency Words' book came with flashcards that we were supposed to teach kids 4 new words at a time and the worksheets contained exercises for reading and spelling skills for the 4 words. It was for 5-7 year old but I thought it was simple enough if I teach her with patience (breath in, breath out) and focused just on the reading part. True enough, Tian could read 4 new words at once and read the sentences containing the new words after some initial difficulty (I had to admit, I was not really patient and I did scold her *guilty*). I planned to let her progress slowly and not to rush her on this so that she could have fun learning.
I did not show her the rhymes book because she would be very rigid and wanted to read both books at once which I thought would be too distracting for her.
I bought a Dinosaur comic book because she was very fascinated with dinosaurs and she could differentiate between different types of dinosaurs and pronounce their names. She was not very interested in the Mandarin book so I had not started introducing the book to her yet.
"Me" time and in the end, also bought things for anak. Better go pamper yourself, go for a hair wash or a full body massage... You deserve a break once in a while.
Oh gosh! I did not notice until you pointed out.
Talking about body massage, I still have a couple of treatments that I have not utilized yet. Hmmm.... one of these days, I am going to ask hubby to babysit my girls again.
thanks for visiting my blog--you have very cute little girls! i hope you get so more "me" time in the future!
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