Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Weaning in Progress

I started to feed Yang with formula milk once a day since he was 13 months old (2 months ago) to replace expressed milk. Just to make sure he would not reject formula when I started weaning. Being an easy going baby (where foods are concerned), he would finish the whole bottle but he would laugh as if to show he knew what I was trying to do.

When he was 14 months old (1 month go), I stopped breast feeding him directly before bedtime which I knew if he could get use to this, weaning would not pose any problem. First night, we went out before bedtime and fed him formula milk in the car and he fell asleep when he was too tired. Yoohoo...easy. I breastfed him when he woke up at night though.

On the second night at home, I fed him formula and tried to coax him to sleep without success for more than 30 minutes. Later I left the room and asked hubby to pacify him. He managed to make him sleep. Maybe it was because when I was in the room, he would relate me to 'food'. So hubby was given the 'honorable' task of feeding him formula milk and coaxing him to sleep until now.

I still express milk 2 times a day and once at night to ensure sufficient milk for him during daytime.
Yang is 15 months old now. I have stopped breastfeeding him at midnight and replacing with formula. I am seriously considering to stop expressing milk as I have exceeded my initial plan to breastfeed him until one year old.Without direct breast feeding, milk supply would reduce due to 'no demand' signal sent to our brain. So it is just a matter of sooner or later.

Feeding, expressing milk, washing pumps are occupying a large chunk of my time in a day. Sounds selfish, I know but I need to spend quality time with my 2 elder girls too and to complete my income tax submission as soon as possible so that my tax submission company will be able to complete tax submission before end June. *groan*

I am glad that I have decided to breastfeed all of my children. First girl for 4 months and stopped due to inexperience and second girl for 13 months and this boy for more than 15 months. It was no easy task but seeing them growing healthy and smart is the biggest reward for me.


Anonymous said...

Wow!!! 15 months. Great mum! Double thumbs up!!!

Yi Ling said...

Since I knew this would be the last round I would breastfeed (hopefully), I did not mind feeding a bit longer than my plan. After weaning, I will have more time to do my other tasks at hand.

Health Freak Mommy said...

I breastfed my #3 for more than 36 mths. The only time I needed the breast pump was during her 2 surgeries, for 3 weeks as she could not eat / drink for 3 weeks. I find breast pumps & milk bottles very tedious and time consuming. Thus, I let her latch on directly anytime she wanted. She was happy and so was I! ;)

Yi Ling said...

Health Freak Mommy: I agree with you regarding the convenience of direct feeding. However, I am not able to be with my kids all day. That's why I need them to get use to bottles when I am not around. I will need to express milk when I am outside when they are not with me. It makes it easier to wean them too as they are used to bottles already.

cre8tone said...

New milestone achieved..