Sunday, October 5, 2008

New Bed

I spent whole day today cleaning and tidying up my home. I cleaned to put away Tian's 2 playpens and one of her stroller. Reason is she hates sleeping in her confined playpen and will end up waking up in middle of night to demand to be carried to our bed to sleep so that she can roll about. Even before she started walking one month ago, she does not like to be put in stroller while we bring her walking around our neighbourhood. So I decided to put away some stuff that is not needed anymore. Oh dear, my baby is growing up fast!

As I am typing away, I am observing her sleeping on her new 'bed'. Just a mattress on the floor. I have been searching for a bed with sides but without posts, in case she climbs out and falls off her bed at night but the furniture shops insists that I have to buy the whole double decked bed to get the upper deck that I want. I have only one child now and it makes no point to buy two beds now. Furthermore, I have read somewhere that letting children sleep on double decked bed is not good for the one sleeping below because of 'chi' that cannot circulate when he/she is sleeping. Sleeping on the floor is not a good idea either. That is why i insist on finding a bed without posts for Tian.

I saw Tian turning to the edge of her bed just now, almost falling off onto the thinner mattress that I placed beneath the thick mattress that she was sleeping on. She felt nothing beneath her head so she turned back to her mattress. I have no idea how she knows she was falling off.

One thing I love about Tian is that she adapts to changes easily without making any fuss. This includes going to relatives house to stay, taking nap in the car while travelling, changing her routine etc.....

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