Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Love for Daddy

We went to Melaka during Hari Raya holidays from Tuesday to Saturday last week. We did not visit any place, not even Jonker Street. We stayed at a relative's home. Her bungalow was huge with spacious yard to Tian to consume her pent up energy. We spent our time eating, chatting and the guys played 'Mahjong'.

The day before we came home, my husband fell off from a bicycle (yes, bicycle and not motorcycle) while trying to compete with his brother. The chain on the bike came loose when he accelerated. He went to see doctor and had a tetanus shot but his wound was healing very slowly.

I suggested using the painful and faster way for him. That was to apply a Chinese ointment bought at Chinese medical hall. I voluntered to apply the ointment for him (I am sadistic).
However, Tian cried two days ago when she saw her Dad struggling with pain so we had to bring her away.

After dinner just now, I helped LK to apply the ointment again and Tian cried again. She knew it meant pain as she said 'shao' (hot in Mandarin). For her, pain and hot means the same thing because she accidentally poked her finger into a lotus paste bun before and got burnt. It was painful and hot for her.

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