Saturday, August 28, 2010

Our little garden

We have a little vegetable patch in from of our house. Plants are planted by my parents-in-law without using chemical fertilisers and pesticides. We will collect vegetables and fruits peels, water from washing rice, vegetables and fruits etc and place them on the soil as natural fertilizers and the plants are growing so well.

Screwpine leaves

Screwpine leaves (Pandan leaves) are use to add flagrance to foods and desserts. It is rich in anti-oxidant and anti-cancer properties.

Lemongrass is also used in cooking and I used a lot during confinement in my food as well as in boiled water for taking bath. It is antibacterial, antifungal and improves blood circulation.

Aloe vera
We use aloe vera for surface burns by applying the gel found in the succulent leaves on affected skin area as it has skin-soothing and healing properties. We also consume aloe vera by scrapping the gel of the skin and cook as desserts. Pregnant women should not consume aloe vera juice and desserts.

Basil Leaves
Basil leaves are used as spices for cooking. They are anti-inflammatory, anti-stress and purify blood.

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