One night, my brother took out a red wine from my dad's collection for hubby and I to try out. He said if they were good enough, he would use this brand for his wedding at the end of the year. Nothing grand about the brand and the red wine was from Spain (not France or Italy where red wines were supposed to be more well known). To our surprise, the red wine tasted really nice. Smooth with a tinge of sweetness.
Hubby wanted to have some food to bring out the taste better so we raided my dad's cupboard and found a packet of straight dried shrimps. We ate some and finished that bottle of wine.

On the next day, remembering the dried shrimps I went to nearby grocery shops to buy shallots, chillies and lime and used them to marinade a bowl of dried shrimps with a bit of sugar. Hence, we had an extra dish to go with rice that day. I liked this dish as my mum used to prepare this when we were young.

So my dad gave me some of the dried shrimps to bring back to JB but before I could make another round of dried shrimp with marinade, I had 'accidentally' finished eating them all as snack. Whoops!
RM60 a kilo on good days...can go up to RM80 at times. So expensive those dried shrimps now.
Pasar Tani (whatever the name is) near Satok sold them for RM80 per kg. My dad mentioned we can only get them at RM60 per kg at Belawai. They taste really nice though. I am going to ask my mum to bring more when she comes here in Sep.
hahahahha...i am not a fan of dried shrimps, but my mum will buy a lot for my in laws everytime when she come and visit me.
One of my blogger friend, she went to Kuching, now she fall in love with this shrimps. She is like you, eat it like snack. hahahhaha
I think the way you do the shrimps, is how my mum told me to tell my friend, to do it this way, it taste more yummy!
Hi AnnieQ, my mum also used to buy for my in-laws but they are not used to this type of dried shrimps and ended up using them for cooking like normal ones.
I think I am going to bring some more time and let them try again. Maybe they will slowly get used to them.
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