My FIL has grown some other vegetables at the vegetable patch outside my house. Cucumbers and chilies! One good things about growing vegetables is that they grow very fast and usually can be harvested after one month we plant the seeds/ seedlings and we can rotate between several types of vegetables. As we grow them from own consumption, no pesticides is sprayed.
We were happy to see the cucumbers 'greeting' us when we were back from hometown after Chinese New Year holidays. Cucumbers are high in Vitamin A, C, K, Pantothenic Acid (Water soluble yellow, oily acid that is a part of Vitamin B complex), Magnesium, Phosphorous and Manganese.
Several chili plants also started to bear fruits and I wonder how we could finish them all. Chilies are high in Vitamin A, C, K, B6, Potassium, Copper, Manganese, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, Iron, Magnesium and Phosphorous. It aids weight loss and maintains optimum weight. Hubby took a lot of effort in these chili plants (as experiment) as this is one of his new project at his plantation.
2 comments: have green fingers. I don;t bother to plant anything. My missus does but will depend on the sun and the rain to survive and the grass and weeds taller than the plants. LOL!!!
Actually, they were planted by my parent-in-laws who are obsessed with plants. We normally apply natural fertilizers like peels from fruits/ vegetables, egg shells, water from rinsing rice etc.
Occasionally, hubby will apply trace elements like calcium, zinc, boron etc as suplements. I never know managing plants can be so scientific until hubby involves in plantation business.
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