This morning, I left Tian and Tao in the bedroom as I went to the connecting washroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I closed the door behind me to prevent Tao from crawling into the washroom.
I heard Tao screaming and thought the two sisters must be fighting for certain toy. When I came out, i saw this.

I reprimanded Tian for snatching my spectacles from younger sister but I knew her intention was good. She wanted to tell her sister not to play with mummy's spectables but her method used was wrong.
This is not the first time Tian broke our glasses. About a year back, she broke my mum's spec that she put on the table. When my MIL raised her voice asking her to return to my mum, she became anxious and struggled with my MIL and broke the spec.
A few months back, she broke my hubby's spec as my hubby liked to play 'wrestling' game with her. She kicked his face and broke the nose pad area due to it was bent and repaired several times already.
Also a few months back, she played with my sunglasses (old one) that I did not use anymore. She tried to put it on by herself and somehow bent the glasses in the wrong way and snapped it.

I have planned to change to a new pair of spectacles but felt that it does not have to be so soon as my spec is still in good condition and I guess Tian is just helping me to decide to change my spec sooner. I have to set aside several hundred ringgit for this. *heartache*
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