Monday, September 15, 2008

Reading the Correct Way

I came home from work not as late as usual and found my 13 month old daughter, Tian having her evening stroll with my mother-in-law. She was examining my neighbour's balsam plant (by plucking the flowers) and looking at their pet dog.

I brought her into our car to reach home faster than her usual pace. If we would let her walk home, she would be stopping halfway to pick up stones, twigs, leaves, insects or make a U-turn to go further away from our house.

Sometimes, I do wonder how much can a 13 month old toddler understand about things around them. As we were watching TV and in order to keep Tian occupied, I just absent-mindedly took her book containing picture of fruits, put in front of her and read to her some fruit names. When she took the book away off my hand and turn it up side down only I realised that I had put the book in the wrong orientation for her. I was so proud and told my MIL. She asked me to try again just to confirm. I took the book away from her and put in front of her upside down. She removed it from my hand and turned it into the correct orientation again. It was not a coincidence! Real proud of her!! She must have remembered how my husband and I hold the book when reading for her.

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