Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Baby Plan 2: Preparations

I do not believe in 'letting nature take its own course', especially in planning a pregnancy.
I think a couple needs to be ready: physically, emotionally and financially.

Since our first daughter was planned, we intend to plan for the second one as well. Having a baby by accident will deprive him/ her the best start for beginning in life. One or both parents might be on certain medication, exposed to chemicals or even sick when the baby is conceived.

Although I understand the state of health of a baby does not depend solely on above mentioned but as parents, I feel we have responsibility to ensure we give the best head start for our own children.

A few simplest actions to follow are to take folic acid prior to pregnancy, cut down on caffeine intake and getting enough rest. Though the last step is hardest for me to follow because I have been working hard for the whole day and I think I deserve the much needed 'me time' before the end of the day.

After doing all the above steps, only then i will let nature take its own course.

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